Opt for plant based natural remedies for cold, cough and flu symptoms with Essential oils. Top 3 essential oil recipes for Cold, Fresh Air and Anti-anxiety based on Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Sweet orange, and Lemon aromas.
Aromatherapy is an art packed with wisdom from our ancients. To know how these plant based therapies can bring in wellness into our lives read https://www.cosmicpep.com/post/aromatherapy-and-essential-oils

Essential oils have either Yin or Yang elements. When blended right, they deliver the best results. Traditional Chinese medicine as well as Indian Ayurvedic formulations are proof of this concept. Read up more on https://www.cosmicpep.com/post/the-yin-yang-of-essential-oils
Esssential oils are a luxury! Enjoy the delicious fragrances with a ton of therapeutic benefits! But do it right. We show you how in https://www.cosmicpep.com/post/how-to-enjoy-essential-oils and https://www.cosmicpep.com/post/how-to-inhale-or-diffuse-essential-oils
Check our our Top 4 Essential oil recipes to keep those pesky bugs at bay on https://www.cosmicpep.com/post/are-essential-oils-effective-bug-repellents
